Collaboration is a mindset, not a location

The key to great working relationships is a strong desire to make it happen. Once you have that, the rest comes naturally. As experts in remote support services, A-Perform understands what it takes to build a strong working relationship and make your business hum. Starting from our first meeting together, everything we do is designed to ensure you have the right set-up, systems, processes and support people in place to ensure success.


Initial Meeting

At your initial meeting with us, one of our consultants will uncover whether we are the right fit for you. At this meeting we’ll talk about:

  • What your current challenges are.
  • What your ideal business ‘lifestyle’ looks like.
  • Any goals you have.
  • How your systems and processes are currently set up, including the tools and platforms you use.

Consultative Phase

Depending on the size of your business, the complexity of your industry and the issues you face, we may be in a position to provide you with a proposal after our initial meeting. However, for most businesses, we will need to gather further information before making our recommendations. The purpose of this phase is for us to reach a deep understanding of your business so that our recommendations get to the heart of what you need to achieve your stated goals.

Our Proposal

Our written proposal sets out what will be required to get your recommended support services up and running pronto. It will contain some essentials (without these in place we can’t support you. E.g. sending newsletters sent to clients will require you to have a Mailchimp account), as well as recommended solutions. Some of these solutions may require the services of external experts such as business strategists, accountants or other business professionals.

Our proposal will take into account your stated goals and budget. Once you are happy with what your customised support package will look like, we enter into a minimum three month contract with you.

A Dedicated Business Manager

Your first meeting after the contract is signed will be with your dedicated business manager. This person will be responsible for ensuring that your assigned support team receive the necessary training about your business and requirements, and are consistently performing to the standards we both expect – A level!

Your Business Manager will be your consistent ‘go to’ point of contact.

Regular Performance Reviews

With each support person assigned to you, we want to ensure they are, and continue to be:

  • a good fit
  • What your ideal business ‘lifestyle’ looks like.
  • are meeting their KPIs
  • are meeting your expectations.

Think of us as your HR department – we take care of performance reviews, additional training needs and replacement of support staff when necessary.

Fine tuning your business

While you may be ready to get your life back, your business needs to be ready to let go of you too. This means that you may need to reorganise how you do things to better serve you, your clients and your business. We may recommend a re-evaluation or additional help for any of the following:

  • Business strategy
  • Accounting
  • Strategic plan(s)
  • Operational processes
  • Marketing strategy
  • Business insurance
  • Website & graphic design
  • Platforms and tools

You may have other advisers you prefer to work with, or we can recommend a third party partner who we have worked with extensively and trust.


Platforms and tools we support





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